1. Get to know your skin
Before determining the skincare product that you want to buy, it’s really important to know the ins and outs of your skin. It’s with you all the time, it shouldn’t be that hard, right. But, not just to know the type of skin, whether oily, dry, normal or just a combination, yes. Also, need to know what skin problems. Is it, dehydration, zits, uneven skin-tones, or what. And what the skin goals are like.
Also, there is one more thing that is often forgotten but becomes important before buying a skincare product. It’s whether or not you have allergic reactions to certain ingredients that are in skincare that you will buy. And it brings us to the second thing you have to do before buying skincare products.
2. Read the ingredients list
If you have an allergy to certain chemicals, read the ingredients used … Read More